===== Connect to Client PC ===== We have already configured the client PC to be able to boot from network. After booting a Linux login screen is shown. There are already some users like **teacher**, **teststud1** etc. From [[en:software:lserver-admin:quickstart:startlserveradmin|LServerAdmin]] application we can create [[http://www.lserveradmin.gr/help/html_en/manual.html|new users]] later. * **Connect to Windows** : We press **''ALT-CTRL-F6''**. //Windows login screen// is shown. We press **Alt-Ctrl-Delete**, click on **Change user** and then **Other user**. We connect by using our user account and password. * **Connect to Linux** : We press **''ALT-CTRL-F7''**. //Initial Linux login screen// is shown. From **Options** on the bottom left we can select **Session** (graphical environment) e.g. Lubuntu or LXDE. We connect by using our user account and password. * **Connect to other OS** : With **''ALT-CTRL-F5''** etc.. we can connect to other virtual machines if they are configured. * **Shutdown/Restart** : * **(Normal)** : While we are on //initial Linux login screen//, from **Options** on the bottom left, we select **Shutdown** or **Restart**. This will shutdown or restart local PC. * **(Abnormal)** : In **case of problem** we can poweroff **abnormally** from **power** button. No data will be lost since nothing is stored on the local PC.