Table of Contents

Connect from FTP/SFTP

From PC

If the installation file is for example on our personal home PC, we can send it through ftp, with an FTP client software like filezilla.

We install filezilla to our home PC.

We already know the Internet address of the server and the external ports of the ftp and the sftp services and we will use them in the configuration.

We do the following

  1. We start filezilla and go to menu File / Site Manager
  2. We click at the left bottom button New site.
    1. As a name with change to something like school
    2. On the Host field, we enter the remote internet server address
      1. If we connect from the internet we enter the internet server address e.g. else if we are on local lan we enter lserver.
    3. On the Protocol field we select FTP for access to our personal files or SFTP for access to network folders public,shared
    4. On the right field Port we enter the FTP or SFTP server port, e.g. 1021. We can find out which is our port by starting LServerAdmin application and going to menu Services/Other Services - Applications/FTP File Server/Configure.
    5. On Logon Type we select Normal
    6. On Encryption we select Use explicit FTP over TLS if available
    7. On User we enter username and on Password our password.
    8. Finally we click on Connect. Our configuration is saved. Next time to connect, we just go to menu File / Site Manager and click on site school
  3. After a successfull connection, on left pane Local site we will see our local PC files and on right pane Remote site the files of our account on server. For cleaner view we go to menu View and uncheck Local directory tree and Remote directory tree

From a cellphone

We can send and get files even from a cell phone or a tablet with a mobile application like Cx File Explorer