Table of Contents

Start LServerAdmin application

lserver virtual machine provides all local network services, e.g. dns, dhcp, router-proxy etc.. It also contains all users and files and provides user authentication on Linux and Windows.

LServerAdmin application is preinstalled in lserver virtual machine. It allows us to easily create users and configure all services.

We can run LServerAdmin application either locally on server PC, or from another PC on local network, or even through Internet from our home.

We will connect from a browser e.g. firefox. LServerAdmin is a console application and navigation on its menus is handled better from a keyboard than a mouse.


We can connect from server PC itself, if keyboard, mouse and monitor are available.

From server PC via browser

From server PC via terminal

From another PC on local network

We can also connect from any PC on local network.

We connect to a PC with our own account or if we don't have one yet, we connect as user teacher

From Internet

We can also connect via Internet from anywhere. We should know the internet address of the server and the external port of shellinabox.

For example if server internet address is and external port is 14200 we connect as follow


After we quit LServerAdmin application we type exit or CTRL-D on the terminal to exit from shellinabox as well.


Some useful information and instructions for LServerAdmin application environment

1) , 2) , 3)
password asterisks will not be shown on screen