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Bugs Base

greek characters not stored to mysql through jdbc

stressfree webmin theme

remove line that enforces iso-8859-1

On 13/01/2008, at 5:04 AM, StressFree wrote:
> Vagelis sent a message using the contact form at
> First of all congratulations on the wonderfull theme. I encountered  
> a problem in ReadMail module that will possibly be shown
> elsewhere as well regarding utf8 charset.  In file
> /usr/share/webmin/theme-stressfree/ there is a line that  
> instructs using 8859-1 encoding, and so not allowing other encodings like  
> utf-8 to be shown properly. Removing the following line that is not needed will  
> solve the problem.
> print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; Charset=iso-8859-1\">\n";
Thanks for this, I have removed the offending line and updated the  
theme archive:
      David Harrison

modest - maemo mail client (on N800)

notifier problem imap

modest imap accounts does not notify for new email on INBOX when INBOX has subfolders

el/contribution/bugs.txt · Last modified: Y/m/d H:i (external edit)